"Take a look in the mirror and see the clown in your seeeeeeeellff!"
Mr. Bungle is a weird one... but i adore this song, the entire album for that! (but this one is my fav) i love how quickly everything starts, secondly i also LOVE this guys voice. my favorite part of the song is when he talks super duper fast and then its a break of instrumentals
you should totally listen to the full album, theres alot of good songs in there!
"I keep a flick of you with the machete sword in ya hand,"
"Everything is going according to plan man."
this song is AWESOME. the ending is a little bit sad i cant lie, but its such a great song, the instrumental is crazy good, as all of DOOM's songs are XD and the music video is art.
there is also a really cool article that was linked in the description of the music video. you can check it out here if you would like.
"Oh what fun we had!"
"But at the time it seemed so bad."
today i asked my mum what music she listens to, i always see her with headphones on but i never really hear what she listens to. and im so glad i asked! we had about a one hour convosation about music and she eventually brought up this song, she said she never liked it but its what all the boys when she was a kid listened to and ughh i LOVE it its such a catchy song. ive had it on repeat for the whole day XD
"here am i floating in my tin can, far above the moon."
"planet Earth is blue, and theres nothing i can do."
this song is just beautiful, its a sample in MF DOOM's most listened to song, rapp snitch knishes, but i didnt even find out untill today! so i was listening to david bowie's version of it and then i saw in the little recomendation tab the one by David Matthews, and after listening to it i liked it waaayy more then David Bowie's version. and i also realised it was sampled by DOOM! funny isnt it :D